Meet Kerri Webb
Your Registered Massage Therapist
From a young age, I was a science kid. Biology mostly, but learning how anything worked always sparked my curiosity.
Nothing ever grossed me out and I was fascinated by nature, the human body, other organisms, etc.
Fast forward to when I started to really grasp what a true empath I was, I knew that I wanted a career that married both my need & want to help others and my love of science. I knew I didn’t have the patience to become a doctor and I knew I wanted to be hands-on — Massage therapy seemed like an obvious choice. An ancient practice and an “alternative medicine” with a boatload of different avenues and real results.
School was hard...WAY harder than I ever thought it would be or anyone assumes it was.
By the end of the first year, I knew every single bone, muscle, tendon, ligament, notch, attachment point, innervation, etc, etc, etc. And yes — they all have names.
It was the biggest hill I’ve ever climbed and it showed me that I was totally meant for this.
I’ve now been practicing since 2009. I’ve worked with some of the most amazing people, including traumatic brain injury clients, moms and babies in the maternity ward, collegiate athletes, burn victims at a Scar Clinic, Veterans at a Veteran retirement home, and of course, everything in between!
When I say “I’ve seen it all”, I promise you I have!
I’m thankful for each and every one of my clients and the lasting, impactful, healing relationship we continue to build. And if you’re new, I’m excited to start that with you, too!
Want to get on the books? Schedule your appointment ⟶
Qualifications & Certifications
Algonquin college
Certificate of Registration
Graduated in 2008
I have been a licensed and registered member in good standing of the CMTO since January 2009.